القائمة الرئيسية


Job opportunities - 8 jobs for different specializations to work in a foreign organization. My salary for a dollar starts at $ 500

Job opportunities - 8 jobs for different specializations to work in a foreign organization. My salary for a dollar starts at $ 500
إضافة شرح

Work Center: Abu Jbaiha, with frequent trips to field operations offices.
Closing date: Tuesday: 03/31/2020.
Financial Officer
Salary: $ 576.12 total
Contract length: renewable year.
Food security and livelihood officer
Salary: $ 576.12 total
Contract length: renewable year.
Nutrition Officer - 3 positions
Salary: $ 576.12 total
Contract length: renewable year.
Responsible for health
Salary: $ 576.12 total
Contract length: renewable year.
Washing officer
Salary: $ 576.12 total
Contract length: renewable year.
Construction officer
Salary: $ 576.12 total
Contract length: renewable year.
How to apply?

For more information and how to apply, please visit the link below:


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