القائمة الرئيسية


In the field of print speed, coordination, and knowledge of printing books, memos, contracts, and letters very quickly. The first salary is 4000 thousand

A law firm wanted to hire two highly qualified human cadres in the field of printing speed and coordination and the knowledge of printing books, memos, contracts and letters at breakneck speed.
the conditions :
To be advanced university graduates diploma or bachelor's degree
To be graduates of the years 2016/2017 / 2018/2019.
Workplace, Al-Baladia Street, Khartoum. West of the British embassy and north of the Turkish embassy.
The first salary 4000 thousand c.
Working hours are from nine to five in the evening.
Preview on Sunday 29/3/2020 at 11 in the morning
  To contact, call 0925309856
